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Things that You Should Know About Theatrical Makeup
The actors, as well as actresses, may surely light up the stage but the theatrical makeup would help to bring their characters alive. You should know that the theater makeup can help the audience for them to see the character. For instance, it is a lot easier to actually believe that someone is an evil witch when there is makeup that would convince the audience to make them look like a witch.
Also, the theatrical makeup would help the audience for them to see the actors literally. The bright makeup that is used or applied on the face would help highlight the features of the actors. This would then permit the audience to sit at the back of such a playhouse to see those actors. This is the reason why both the women and men are wearing makeup when they are actually acting on stage. From afar, it won’t look like these actors have a lot of makeup on their faces but when you would see them off the stage, it is quite obvious that they have so much of it.
When you would think about theatrical makeup, you would be thinking of the standard makeup, the eye shadow, blush on, lipstick and the eyeliner. But, the makeup for such theater actors would include different kinds of fun stuff like fake blood, fangs, and fake teeth. There are so many theater troops, particularly those who are making their way to Broadway and they go well beyond the blush and the mascara to ensure that they have top performances.
There can also be the addition of fake warts as well as scars to the face of the witch that would make her a lot more evil or heinous as compared to just having green eye shadow on the face. With the use of a fake nose, when properly applied would definitely look it really real and this can also be a lot more effective. If someone is hurt in the play, then it is a lot more realistic to see the blood pool out of the body as compared to just seeing them falling from the floor. This can surely be achieved through the use of the theatrical makeup which would include the blood. There are also fake horns which are also a fantastic effect for the mystical creatures. If such type of body makeup would be applied to the actors, then such would make them look inhuman.
Also, you must know that the theater makeup may be used to change particular features on the actor. For instance, if such an actress is playing a princess should have big and also arched eyebrows, then the makeup artist may certainly cover those real eyebrows and create some eyebrows over the existing ones. The actress may still look human but such can surely change the features.
The biggest thing with theatrical makeup is that this can surely help the actors in transporting the audience to a really different world and make the show a lot more exciting.